Our Philosophy
The vine stocks are cultivated in respect of mother Nature. Manual wine harvesting, total control of the wine-making process, maturing in cellar in respect of our Jura tradition, a long term experience and knowledge based on Quality are all the keys to our success for a privileged wine tasting moment.
One must realise that the essential part of our profession is the production of an excellent quality grape.
Each and every year we put in practise all our knowledge and long acquired family experience in wine making and in return the quality of the wine is present.

In the vineyard:
- Operate the best choice of the young plants(selection massale);
- Partial or total grass planting in between the rowsof vines to limit erosion in the soil and also facilitate penetration of water in the soil;
- Work on the soil on every one row on two, and also on inter-rows;
- Organic improvements;
- Simple cutting of the plants (Guyot) for a low yield production;
- Average production 35 to 40 hl / ha.
- Stripping of leaves always at sunrise for stronger plants; this also brings a good maturity and fights against deterioration and rotting;
- Hand harvesting of the grapes, afterwards carried in cases to respect the juicy berries and avoid unnecessary manipulation and crushing;
- During harvest time, a rigorous selection of the grapes is done directly at the vineyard.
In the wine cellar:

- use of a moderate and delicate pneumatic press;
- no crushing;
- Picking for the red variety;
- Limit the quantity of sulphur after harvesting if the sanitary conditions are good;
- Use of our proper yeast from our region and cellar;
- Respect of our traditional fermentation methods by always proposing marked white wines and only one variety for the reds;
- Modern vinification is used to gain the best quality of the varieties;
- Hygiene, Security and Quality are the 3 keywords in the cellar.
Therefore, our everyday philosophy is to reflect and evolve whilst always respecting our principal work tool: a perpetual preservation of our nature and environment.
Since July 2018, in order to maintain natural life in the soil, we are entering into the conversion to organic farming under the control of ECOCERT. We want to stimulate and revive the terroirs.
We propose you to consult daily our chapter actuality and news so as to find again with the passing seasons articles on our everyday life in the vine, in the cellar....